On September 26, 2023, members of the EXPLORE collaboration gathered in Pallini, Greece, for the project kickoff meeting. The meeting was hosted by the Greek partner, Ellinogermaniki Agogi. The comprehensive two-day session addressed various crucial elements of the Erasmus+ initiative co-funded by the Austrian National Agency.
The EXpeditionary Program for Learning OppoRtunities in Analog Space Exploration (EXPLORE) is a 36-month project—starting 1 September 2023—to introduce a new trend of activities engaging students in space exploration experiences that meet the requirements of their STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) curriculum. EXPLORE will invite students to engage in activities similar to existing analog missions that simulate Moon or Mars environments.
Educators will receive training to deliver curriculum content and improve their knowledge of digital solutions, as well as student-centred, inclusive, equitable and accessible methodologies while implementing the project.
EXPLORE will produce a kit that will encourage students to embrace an exploratory mission to Mars. Educators will receive training and support to adapt this kit to the curricula and conduct classroom involvement in the preparation of the missions. A group of selected students will visit a planetary surface analog site where they will simulate an international space mission and collaborate with peers and professionals from participating countries.
Students will have the opportunity to learn about space exploration and its importance in our daily lives, understand the importance of preserving the Earth’s environment with hands-on experience, improve their digital skills, become problem solvers, learn to collaborate, and get acquainted with innovative digital solutions.
Educators will be introduced to innovative student-centred methodologies that facilitate the integration of digital content into the STEAM curriculum.
EXPLORE will be coordinated by the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF), with the active participation of COSPAR, NUCLIO, Ellinogermaniki Agogi and BIOSKY, LDA.