Date: 6 – 11 July 2025
Venue: Golden Coast Hotel & Bungalows, Marathon, Greece
Duration: 25h

Join us in Greece for the EXPLORE Summer School 2025!
The school is developed in the context of the project: EXpeditionary Program for Learning OppoRtunities in Analog Space Exploration – EXPLORE.
Its main objectives are to introduce teachers to STEM activities related to space exploration, provide them resources and support to implement these activities with their students and create their own educational material.
The activities can lead your students in co-creating and implementing their own analog mission to explore Mars! The process will promote the development of students’ collaboration, creativity and communication skills, while improving their digital competence profile and attitudes toward science.
Join us and learn how you and your students can be part of the EXPLORE analog missions!
This school is included in the 2025 training activities of the European School Innovation Academy – ESIA.
You’ll will be able to REGISTER and find all the information about the course, including fees and how to apply for Erasmus+ funding in the ESIA website: