Save the Date! EXPLORE Summer School is only a few weeks away, 30 June-5 July 2024.
After months of careful planning and consultation, EXPLORE is ready to release the programme for the teachers’ summer school in Marathon, Greece.
The programme is available here: Summer School Programme.
Discover space exploration activities and opportunities in our Summer School for the EXPLORE project. Meet other teachers and scientists from all over Europe and join the EXPLORE community. Learn how you and your school can be part of the first EXPLORE analog mission to Mars for students. How can students benefit from participating in such an activity? How many school subjects, scientific topics and societal issues can be approached?
Find the answers to these questions–and more–during the EXPLORE Summer School. Discover new resources, exchange ideas and develop your own analog mission based on the needs and limitations of your classroom.
We look forward to seeing you!
EXPLORE Summer School: https://esia.ea.gr/explore-summer-school/
Golden Coast Hotel, Marathon Bay, near Athens, Greece
30 June-5 July 2024—Save the Date!